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Data Grid - Editing

The data grid has built-in edit capabilities that you can customize to your needs.

Cell editing

Cell editing allows editing the value of one cell at a time. Set the editable property of the column definition GridColDef object to true to allow editing cells of this column.

<DataGrid columns={[{ field: 'name', editable: true }]} />

Start editing

If a cell is editable and has focus, any of the following interactions will start the edit mode:

  • A Enter keydown
  • A Backspace or Delete keydown. It will also delete the value and stops the edit mode instantly.
  • A keydown of any printable key, for instance a, E, 0, or $
  • A double click on the cell
  • A call to apiRef.current.setCellMode(id, field, 'edit').
      * Set the cellMode of a cell.
      * @param GridRowId
      * @param string
      * @param 'edit' | 'view'
    setCellMode: (id: GridRowId, field: string, mode: GridCellMode) => void;

Stop editing

If a cell is in edit mode and has focus, any of the following interactions will stop the edit mode:

  • A Escape keydown. It will also roll back changes done in the value of the cell.
  • A Tab keydown. It will also save and goes to the next cell on the same row.
  • A Enter keydown. It will also save and goes to the next cell on the same column.
  • A mousedown outside the cell
  • A call to apiRef.current.setCellMode(id, field, 'view').

Control cell editability

In addition to the editable flag on columns, control which cell is editable using the isCellEditable prop.

In this demo, only the rows with an even Age value are editable. The editable cells have a green background for better visibility.

  isCellEditable={(params) => params.row.age % 2 === 0}

Control editing

The editRowsModel prop lets you control the editing state. You can handle the onEditRowModelChange callback to control the GridEditRowsModel state.

editRowsModel: {}

Column with valueGetter

You can control the committed value when the edit move stops with the onEditCellChangeCommitted prop. This is especially interesting when using the valueGetter on the column definition.


Client-side validation

Follow the following steps to validate the value in the cells:

  • Set the event handler onEditCellChange. It's invoked when a change is triggered by the edit input component.
  • Set the event handler onEditCellChangeCommitted to validate or persist the new value. This handler is invoked when an end-user requests a change to be committed and before the cell reverts to view mode.

Alternatively, you can use the GridEditRowsModel state mentioned in the Control editing section.


Using apiRef

You can reproduce the same behavior using the apiRef.


Server-side validation

Server-side validation works like client-side validation.

  • Use the GridEditRowsModel mentioned in the Control editing section.
  • Or set the event handler onEditCellChange for keydown validation
  • Set the event handler onEditCellChangeCommitted to validate and update the server when the change is committed.

Note: To prevent the default client-side behavior, use event.stopPropagation().

This demo shows how you can validate a username asynchronously and prevent the user from committing the value while validating. It's using XGrid but the same approach can be used with DataGrid.

Custom edit component

To customize the edit component of a column, set the renderEditCell function available in the column definition GridColDef.

The demo lets you edit the ratings by double-clicking the cell.

Edit using external button

You can override the default start editing triggers using the event.stopPropagation() API on the synthetic React events.


The editing feature leverages the event capability of the grid and the apiRef. The following events can be imported and used to customize the edition:

  • GRID_CELL_EDIT_ENTER: emitted when the cell turns to edit mode.
  • GRID_CELL_EDIT_EXIT: emitted when the cell turns back to view mode.
  • GRID_CELL_EDIT_PROPS_CHANGE: emitted when the edit input change.
  • GRID_CELL_EDIT_PROPS_CHANGE_COMMITTED: emitted when the edit input change is submitted.

Catching events can be used to add a callback after an event while ignoring its triggers.

The demo shows how to catch the start & end edit events to log which cell is editing in an info message:

<div style={{ height: 180, width: '100%' }}>
  <XGrid rows={rows} columns={columns} apiRef={apiRef} />
{message && (
  <Alert severity="info" style={{ marginTop: 8 }}>

🚧 Row editing

⚠️ This feature isn't implemented yet. It's coming.

👍 Upvote issue #204 if you want to see it land faster.

Row editing allows to edit all the cells of a row at once. The edition can be performed directly in the cells or in a popup or a modal.