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Data Grid - Pagination

Through paging, a segment of data can be viewed from the assigned data source.

By default, the MIT DataGrid displays the rows with pagination, and up to 100 rows per page.

On the other hand, the commercial XGrid component displays, by default, all the rows with infinite scrolling (and virtualization) and without the 100 rows per page limitation. You need to set the pagination prop to enable the pagination feature in such a case.

Basic example

<DataGrid pagination {} />

Page size

  • The default page size is 100, you can change this value with the pageSize prop.
  • You can configure the possible page size the user can choose from with the rowsPerPageOptions prop.
<DataGrid pageSize={5} rowsPerPageOptions={[5, 10, 20]} pagination {} />

Controlled pagination

While the previous demos show how the pagination can be uncontrolled, the active page can be controlled with the page/onPageChange props.

  onPageChange={(params) => {

Auto size

The autoPageSize prop allows to auto-scale the pageSize to match the container height and the max number of rows that can be displayed without a vertical scroll bar. By default, this feature is off.

<DataGrid autoPageSize pagination {} />

Custom pagination component

Head to the rendering section of the documentation for customizing the pagination component.

Server-side pagination

By default, pagination works on the client-side. To switch it to server-side, set paginationMode="server". You also need to set the rowCount prop to so the grid know the total number of pages. Finally, you need to handle the onPageChange callback to load the rows for the corresponding page.



You can customize the rendered of the pagination following this section of the documentation.

Paginate > 100 rows

The DataGrid component can display up to 100 rows per page. The XGrid component removes this limitation. The following demo displays 200 rows per page:

<XGrid pagination pageSize={200} {} />


The grid exposes a set of methods that enables all of these features using the imperative apiRef.

⚠️ Only use this API when you have no alternative. Always start from the declarative API that the grid exposes.

  • setPageSize: Set the number of rows in one page.
  • setPage: Set the displayed page.
  • onPageChange: Callback fired after a new page has been displayed.
  • onPageSizeChange: Callback fired after the page size was changed.

Below is an example of how you can reset the page using the imperative setPage method.

<XGrid pagination pageSize={5} apiRef={apiRef} {} />